In India, the density of residential & commercial complexes is very high compared to U.S. based complexes, and therefore it is an important focal point in terms of reducing energy consumption. Because the materials that campuses are made of can be used as thermal mass, smart control of building HVAC systems can transform an ordinary office or residential building into a vast energy-storage network.
The energy consumption for a large-scale gated campus (e.g. a university campus) can be created using extensive amounts of data and an empirical model. Using this methodology, we can acquire advance information, enabling us to make proactive decisions about the system. Below are the prediction results for aggregate heating, cooling, and electrical load forecasts for a university campus of approximately 50,000 students. The forecast is made with information on the previous hours’ loads, the weather forecast for the next 24 hours, and the time and date.

The first step in optimizing the energy performance of campuses is to build smart process models that will predict the energy consumption and temperature inside a building – subject to environmental conditions, such as ambient temperatures and building occupancy. Using a forecast like this, along with utility pricing data, decisions regarding a building’s HVAC control can be made proactively (subject, of course, to the comfort constraints of the occupants). Heating, Cooling and Electrical Load Forecasting can help us make better usage of the energy taken and reduce the OPEX as much as possible.

By using such technologies a well-planned large campus can save huge amounts on CAPEX & OPEX (Operations Costs), without compromising on the quality of the products & services used.
The design experts and engineers at Cypress Solutions are amply trained and experienced to help our clients build a Smart & Intelligent Campus facility of their choice. Cypress Solutions’ experienced mission-critical infrastructure / Smart Campus Facility consulting team understands the specific requirements of mission critical facilities like yours, and it is our goal to help you achieve 100% system availability in your Campus today and into the future.
To learn more about building a Smart Campus and the Smart Campus related services that Cypress Solutions offers, or to talk with one of our Mission Critical Infra experts, please fill out our Contact Us form, or email us at