The key requirement was to design and implement data center for the revenue department in the city of Mumbai to keep electronic records of all commercial vehicles for taxation purpose. The project required completion at a war footing as an application deployment was dependent on the underlying infrastructure to be ready.
A continuous and dedicated power backup through critical power panels, breakers, UPS and DG along with cooling and high bandwidth service provider connection deployed in active and standby mode. Dedicated monitoring, team to ensure the system health 24/7, and a state-of-the-art Data Center Infra Management System deployed to allow the managers to get the overall status report of the operations. All deployed systems ran on a multi-year comprehensive AMC plan for continuity of business operations and uninterrupted power supply. Redundant Electrical pathwas deployed in a manner that a failure of a single unit or power delivery path would not impede the operations.
An up to date electronic data of all commercial vehicles were securely stored in the data center, the access of which was only with authorized personnel. The redundant power supply ensured uninterrupted upkeep of the data servers without any concern of any data loss due to outage. The data center logs added extra security feature for auditing and for any issue resolution purpose.
Client is a corporation established and fully owned by the state government mainly deals with the properties and assets comprising movables and immovable including land, road projects, flyover projects, toll collection rights and works under construction which vested with the State Government and were under the control of the Public Works Department. Key roles under toll monitoring include Monitoring the toll receipt, Scrutinizing claims of various toll collecting agencies and put for approval by competent Authority, taking action against the defaulters as per contract conditions and Floating of tenders for collection of toll and fixing agencies etc.